Writing a new data exporter
Writing a new DataExporter is very similar process to writing a new DataLoader. As an example: lets say that I want to export some topas to the same format used in the data import example:
x (mm) y (mm) z (mm) px (MeV/c) py (MeV/c) pz (MeV/c) E (MeV)
Note that these units already match those in the unit set of
To do this, we would create a data exporter as follows:
from pathlib import Path
import sys
from ParticlePhaseSpace.DataExporters import _DataExportersBase
from ParticlePhaseSpace import DataLoaders
from ParticlePhaseSpace._ParticlePhaseSpace import PhaseSpace
import numpy as np
import ParticlePhaseSpace.__particle_config__ as particle_cfg
from ParticlePhaseSpace import ParticlePhaseSpaceUnits
class NewDataExporter(_DataExportersBase):
def _define_required_columns(self):
def _export_data(self):
def _set_expected_units(self):
Our job is to fill in these blank methods.
you must list all the columns required for your data export. These column names must match the allowed columns from the phase space specification.in
you should list the units your exporter is expecting. If the units in the data it receives are different, it will attempt to convert the data to the correct units._export_data
is where the data export will actually happen.
The filled in data exporter for the case in hand looks like this:
class NewDataExporter(_DataExportersBase):
def _define_required_columns(self):
self._required_columns = ['x', 'y', 'z', 'px', 'py', 'pz', 'Ek']
def _set_expected_units(self):
self._expected_units = ParticlePhaseSpaceUnits()('mm_MeV')
def _export_data(self):
if not Path(self._output_name).suffix == '.dat':
_output_name = str(self._output_name) + '.dat'
_output_name = self._output_name
WritefilePath = Path(self._output_location) / _output_name
header = 'x (mm)\ty (mm)\tz (mm)\tpx (MeV/c)\tpy (MeV/c)\tpz (MeV/c)\tE (MeV)'
Data = [self._PS.ps_data['x [mm]'].to_numpy(), self._PS.ps_data['y [mm]'].to_numpy(), self._PS.ps_data['z [mm]'].to_numpy(),
self._PS.ps_data['px [MeV/c]'].to_numpy(), self._PS.ps_data['py [MeV/c]'].to_numpy(),
self._PS.ps_data['pz [MeV/c]'].to_numpy(),
self._PS.ps_data['Ek [MeV]'].to_numpy()]
Data = np.transpose(Data)
FormatSpec = ['%11.5f', '%11.5f', '%11.5f', '%11.5f', '%11.5f', '%11.5f', '%11.5f']
np.savetxt(WritefilePath, Data, fmt=FormatSpec, delimiter=' ', header=header, comments='')
Testing the data export
Let’s test the use case of loading in some topas data, and exporting it with this data exporter:
# load topas data:
data_loc = Path('../tests/test_data/coll_PhaseSpace_xAng_0.00_yAng_0.00_angular_error_0.0.phsp')
data = DataLoaders.Load_TopasData(data_loc)
PS = PhaseSpace(data)
# Because we only want to work with the electrons, generate an electron only phase space:
PS_electrons = PS('electrons')
<__main__.NewDataExporter at 0x7f6bb9692340>
To verify that this worked, we can recycle the `data loader <>`__ we wrote to read this data and check if it works
from ParticlePhaseSpace.DataLoaders import _DataLoadersBase
class NewDataLoader(_DataLoadersBase):
def _import_data(self):
Data = np.loadtxt(self._input_data, skiprows=1)
self.data['x [mm]'] = Data[:, 0]
self.data['y [mm]'] = Data[:, 1]
self.data['z [mm]'] = Data[:, 2]
self.data['px [MeV/c]'] = Data[:, 3]
self.data['py [MeV/c]'] = Data[:, 4]
self.data['pz [MeV/c]'] = Data[:, 5]
self.data['particle type [pdg_code]'] = particle_cfg.particle_properties[self._particle_type]['pdg_code']
# we also need to fill in weight, particle id, and time; since none of these are specified we just use all
# ones for weight, 1,2,3... for particle id, and all zeros for time:
self.data['weight'] = np.ones(Data.shape[0])
self.data['particle id'] = np.arange(len(self.data))
self.data['time [ps]'] = 0 # may want to replace with time feature if available?
# because we have momentum and energy, we can double check that our momentum to energy conversion is
# consisten with the values in the phase space:
E = Data[:, 6]
def _check_input_data(self):
# is the input a file?
if not Path(self._input_data).is_file():
raise FileNotFoundError(f'input data file {self._import_data()} does not exist')
# does it have the right extension?
if not Path(self._input_data).suffix == '.dat':
raise Exception('This data loaders requires a *.dat file')
# the header is on the first line; does it look correct?
with open(self._input_data) as f:
first_line = f.readline()
if not first_line == 'x (mm)\ty (mm)\tz (mm)\tpx (MeV/c)\tpy (MeV/c)\tpz (MeV/c)\tE (MeV)\n':
raise Exception('file header does not look correct')
if not self._particle_type:
raise Exception('this data loader requires particle_type to be specified')
data_loc = 'test_new_exporter.dat'
data = NewDataLoader(data_loc, particle_type='electrons')
PS = PhaseSpace(data)

looks good!