Basic Example
Data import
The first step of data analysis is import data. In this code, data import is always handled through an instance of the DataLoaders class. In this example, we will work with topas data. For a list of all currently available data importers, see here; for instructions on writing new data importers see here
from pathlib import Path
import sys
sys.path.append('../') # not necessary when the library is installed
from ParticlePhaseSpace import DataLoaders
from ParticlePhaseSpace import PhaseSpace
test_data_loc = Path(r'../tests/test_data/coll_PhaseSpace_xAng_0.00_yAng_0.00_angular_error_0.0.phsp').absolute()
ps_data = DataLoaders.Load_TopasData(test_data_loc)
Once we have a DataLoader instance, we can pass it to ParticlePhaseSpace for analysis:
PS = PhaseSpace(ps_data)
The underlying data is stored in a pandas data frame at ps_data
. You shouldn’t often have to (or want to) interact with this directly, but let’s take a quick look at the data so you know what it looks like:
particle type [pdg_code] | x [mm] | y [mm] | z [mm] | weight | particle id | time [ps] | px [MeV/c] | py [MeV/c] | pz [MeV/c] | |
0 | 22 | -0.971177 | -0.817280 | 396.0 | 0.01 | 0 | 0 | -0.008856 | -0.010509 | -3.184060 |
1 | 22 | -0.916198 | 0.839298 | 396.0 | 0.01 | 1 | 0 | -0.003894 | 0.008249 | -1.560114 |
2 | 22 | -5.258902 | 11.318420 | 396.0 | 0.01 | 2 | 0 | -0.193061 | 0.377104 | -1.219742 |
3 | 22 | 15.326971 | -25.628899 | 396.0 | 0.01 | 3 | 0 | 0.102889 | -0.362594 | -1.414843 |
4 | 22 | -0.241948 | -0.401026 | 396.0 | 0.01 | 4 | 0 | -0.000192 | -0.001470 | -0.209232 |
Calculation of additional quantities
The data show here consists of the required columns - that is, the minimum data required to define a phase space. Many other quantaties can be calculated from this data using various fill
methods. For example, to add in Kinetic Energy:
particle type [pdg_code] | x [mm] | y [mm] | z [mm] | weight | particle id | time [ps] | px [MeV/c] | py [MeV/c] | pz [MeV/c] | rest mass [MeV/c^2] | p_abs [MeV/c] | Ek [MeV] | |
0 | 22 | -0.971177 | -0.817280 | 396.0 | 0.01 | 0 | 0 | -0.008856 | -0.010509 | -3.184060 | 0.0 | 3.184090 | 3.184090 |
1 | 22 | -0.916198 | 0.839298 | 396.0 | 0.01 | 1 | 0 | -0.003894 | 0.008249 | -1.560114 | 0.0 | 1.560141 | 1.560141 |
2 | 22 | -5.258902 | 11.318420 | 396.0 | 0.01 | 2 | 0 | -0.193061 | 0.377104 | -1.219742 | 0.0 | 1.291220 | 1.291220 |
3 | 22 | 15.326971 | -25.628899 | 396.0 | 0.01 | 3 | 0 | 0.102889 | -0.362594 | -1.414843 | 0.0 | 1.464187 | 1.464187 |
4 | 22 | -0.241948 | -0.401026 | 396.0 | 0.01 | 4 | 0 | -0.000192 | -0.001470 | -0.209232 | 0.0 | 0.209237 | 0.209237 |
Notice that while we only requested Ek
, we also got rest mass and absolute momentum. This is because these quantities are required to calculate kinetic energy anyway. The code will always check whether a given quantity is already present in the data before recalculating it.
You can view all the available fill methods with this command:
If you want to access any of the data inside this data frame, there are two ways: the unit specific way, and the unit agnostic way. The unit specific way is of course how would get data out of any DataFrame:
Ek = PS.ps_data['Ek [MeV]']
You can also access the same quantities without reference to the units like this:
Ek = PS.ps_data[PS.columns['Ek']]
Note that the second method will work regardless of what units the data is in.
Reset the phase space to required columns
In some situations, you may wish to remove all ‘derived’ quantities from the data, and have only the required columns. You may wish to do this to minimise the memory footpring, or because you have carried out some operation that potentially invalidated the calculated quantities (more on that below!) In such situations, you can use reset_phase_space
particle type [pdg_code] | x [mm] | y [mm] | z [mm] | weight | particle id | time [ps] | px [MeV/c] | py [MeV/c] | pz [MeV/c] | |
0 | 22 | -0.971177 | -0.817280 | 396.0 | 0.01 | 0 | 0 | -0.008856 | -0.010509 | -3.184060 |
1 | 22 | -0.916198 | 0.839298 | 396.0 | 0.01 | 1 | 0 | -0.003894 | 0.008249 | -1.560114 |
2 | 22 | -5.258902 | 11.318420 | 396.0 | 0.01 | 2 | 0 | -0.193061 | 0.377104 | -1.219742 |
3 | 22 | 15.326971 | -25.628899 | 396.0 | 0.01 | 3 | 0 | 0.102889 | -0.362594 | -1.414843 |
4 | 22 | -0.241948 | -0.401026 | 396.0 | 0.01 | 4 | 0 | -0.000192 | -0.001470 | -0.209232 |
Basic analytics
Once we have an instance of ParticlePhaseSpace, we can perform some analysis.
total number of particles in phase space: 311489
number of unique particle species: 3
308280 gammas
mean energy: 1.91 MeV
median energy: 1.20 MeV
Energy spread IQR: 2.03 MeV
min energy 0.01 MeV
max energy 10.35 MeV
2853 electrons
mean energy: 3.16 MeV
median energy: 3.39 MeV
Energy spread IQR: 2.95 MeV
min energy 0.02 MeV
max energy 9.44 MeV
356 positrons
mean energy: 2.66 MeV
median energy: 2.39 MeV
Energy spread IQR: 2.39 MeV
min energy 0.08 MeV
max energy 8.46 MeV
You can see that this phase space consists of three different particle species. We can also generate plots for energy, and particle positions:



Note that in the plot above, particles with different weights are plotted with different colors. Another way to visualise the particle positions is the plot_beam_intensity
method, which will produce an image of accumulated intensity:
PS.plot.particle_positions_hist_2D(xlim=[-10, 10], ylim=[-10,10], grid=True)

This plot is actually a lot more illuminating than the scatter plot in this instance! This phase space was scored at the exit of a novel type of x-ray collimator; you can see that the x-rays (gammas) have been shaped to a square, which is as expected. Meanwhile the electrons and positrons are randomly scattered, which is also as expected.
as with the fill
methods, you can get all plotting methods like this:
Seperating, adding, and subtracting phase space objects
You can easily add, subtract, and seperate phase space objects:
electron_PS = PS('electrons') # this generates a phase space with only the electrons
# you can also use pdg codes:
electron_PS = PS(11) # this is the same

You can also pass a list of particles to get multiple phase spaces at once:
gamma_PS, positron_PS = PS(['gammas', 'positrons']) # you can also pass a list
You can subtract one phase space from another. For example, the following will produce a new phase space object where all the gamma particles are removed:
no_gamma_PS = PS - gamma_PS

You can also add phase spaces together:
Original_PS = no_gamma_PS + gamma_PS

However: you cannot add identical particles into an existing phase space. If you really want to do this, you will need to update the particle_ID field first.
Twiss parameters
Twiss parameters or courant-snyder parameters are commonly used to describe the distribution of particles in a transverse phase space. You can calculate, save, and plot the twiss parameters:
PS.print_twiss_parameters(beam_direction='z') # calculate the RMS twiss parameters
x y
epsilon 2.525901 2.673361
alpha 0.619585 0.525727
beta 8.976938 9.488084
gamma 0.154160 0.134526
x y
epsilon 2.208669 2.357446
alpha 1.159332 1.009164
beta 4.971102 4.634599
gamma 0.471535 0.435510
x y
epsilon 1.881200 1.178092
alpha 1.141023 2.283977
beta 3.888975 5.672388
gamma 0.591913 1.095932

The above plot shows what is sometimes called a ‘trace space’ which is plot of position (x) versus divergence (x’ = px/pz). The Red ellipse represents the space enclosed by the RMS twiss parameters, which should enclode 37% of the beam. As an alternative to the scatter plot, you can also visualise the intensity (defined as the sum of weights) in trace space:
PS.plot.transverse_trace_space_hist_2D(xlim=[-2,2], ylim=[-1, 1], plot_twiss_ellipse=True, grid=False)

Again, this is quite illuminating; it shows that the gamma particles are fairly evenly distributed spread between -1 and 1 mm, have almost no divergence (note the highly intesense line in the middle, and the use og a log scale). Again, since this data is from an x-ray collimator, this makes a lot of sense!
Exporting the data
Similarly to the data import stage we use an instance of ParticlePhaseSpace.DataLoaders
to export the data. You can see the currently available data exporters here, and you see a demonstration of writing a new data exporter here.
from ParticlePhaseSpace import DataExporters
DataExporters.CSV_Exporter(PS, output_location=Path('.'), output_name='test_export')
<ParticlePhaseSpace.DataExporters.CSV_Exporter at 0x7fbdf817a760>